We’re a Gold Plastic Free Business Champion!

Written by Justin Thompson

We’re officially a Gold Plastic Free Business Champion! That means, we’ve been recognised as a business that helps fight plastic pollution by reducing the production (and use) of single use plastics! 

As well, we’ve been recognised as a business who helps our communities with sustainable initiatives, like supporting our suppliers with return and reuse packaging innovation and sharing educational content and tips with our audiences. 

This award has been given by the amazing people at Surfers Against Sewage, a grassroots environmental charity, dedicated to marine conservation.  

A massive thank you all around 

We couldn’t have gotten this award without you! It’s because of your continuous efforts to reduce plastic waste that we’re able to do the work that we do, and we can’t thank you enough.  

You’ve already helped us make waves in saving plastic and reducing waste and have even helped us save over 50 million plastic bottles (and counting!).  

Want to take it one step further? 

If you’ve got the planet-helping itch, there’s loads more stuff you can sink your teeth into! The plastic waste crisis is a massive problem, so we need all the help we can get to create a greener, cleaner planet.  

Here are other ways you can help the planet: 

  1. 1. Lobby local businesses in your community to make swaps to return and reuse

Have a favourite coffee shop you love to visit? Speak to them about how they’re reducing their plastic waste and help them become a Plastic Saving Champion too. The more the merrier! 

2. Join a local plastic free community group (or set up your own). 

You don’t have to fight plastic alone! There’s a whole plastic free community out there, so go find yours. Use this link to find your nearest community, or even be an absolute go-getter and start your own! 

3. Send us your plastic saving tips and tricks. 

We don’t mean to brag, but our customers are pretty creative and clever. If you’ve got some plastic saving tips and tricks, don’t keep them all to yourself! Tell us about it and tag us on social media (Instagram @modernmilkman_ or Facebook @TheModernMilkman), we’d love to hear all about your ideas! 

4. Go on a litter pick in your local area (while this sunny weather still lasts!). 

Ever noticed how much plastic is on your streets or parks? Get your friends, family, and neighbours together and see how much you can clean up! There’s even a handy litter-picking app called Litterati that’ll help you keep track of the waste you find.  

5. Sign this petition from Surfers Against Sewage to help stop ocean pollution. 

To help our ocean’s pollution crisis we need to look towards the source – our rivers! Only 14% of our rivers have good ecological status, and 3 in 4 pose a serious risk to human health. Sign the petition and help the UK clean up our rivers! 

With these simple steps, you can help stop plastic waste from destroying our planet and creating a greener earth for future generations. So, what are you going to do first? 

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